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Saiyuki Reload Blast thoughts

>> Saturday, July 8, 2017

Finally it's here!

it's awesome bcos i rarely get the chance to follow an anime series for years after its long hiatus. i'm always far behind when it comes to anime.

so yes! i am a fan of Saiyuki anime series, having grown up with the original Journey To The West.

Nostalgia fills the air at its first episode of SRB. And i wonder if the seiyuu of Eren Jaeger in Attack of Titans is in it! People are expecting something new. Sure, new enemies.

but y'know...voices change over time. We have grown older, so do our vocal chords. We used to sound sharper but as years go by we sound more 'rounded'. Yet the fundamental timbre of our voices do not change - we recognise the characters as who they are. We remember the characters as who they are.

Although it's a challenge to bring them to the year 2017 which may consider as a new series to some, it's the nostalgia that makes the series as what it is - and brings fans to the new era

and nearer to the West.

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