where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

yep still using Blogger

>> Monday, July 3, 2017

What? just because there's Facebook Blogger no more?

i just wanna type. Long time no type. Wish i could type like the Choppy Busters - so many words per second. Maybe i should try audio typing one day. Would be interesting. Bcos my fingers are itching to type again. Since when i forgot - t'was a few days ago i think, totally forgot why.

so yeah, things are back to 50% 50% - blessings. It's always what i forgot about.

And i'd realised i could daringly do what i like to do n not be bothered.

But then there's this "itch". I'd never knew. I thought, "Ah well, old already, don't need to feel i need a boyfriend." I was so wrong. A pang of loneliness shoots right into my heart whenever i see couples. Sigh, aren't they lucky...

but there's that dilemma: i'm already messed up enough, so is my background. Best not "drag" someone into my life already. Marriage? What's that? Looking around now, i'm cool, surrounded by by game consoles.

Virtual boyfriend?! ISN'T THE ANIME "YUURI ON ICE" ENOUGH ALREADY?! wonder if there will be a manga series..bcos i think manga series IS MUCH MORE EXPLICIT THAN ANIME - and we have more of Yuuri and Victor's shiny red butt cheeks to drool and ogle at - SCCCRREEEAM!!!

anyway, back to reality (bleagh)

so ya, maybe one day i'll try audio typing since i like to type so much

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