where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start


>> Wednesday, February 25, 2009

it's not kicking myself, it's not saying "%^$#@ why didn't i think of that earlier?!"

it's a matter of once i get the hang of it, ideas start pouring in

my textbook is in a mess: bits n pieces of information are scattered in the supposed "main content", many short bullet-point answers to one section of questions at the end of the supposed "chapter", long answers in essay format in other section of questions and finally MORE bulleted-format points in their supposed "summary". i seriously tell u since i take a long time to absorb and understand black-n-white prints it will take me more than one day to collate the whole dam thing!

so what i did was to TYPE OUT EVERYTHING - YES, that was what i did, including my own notes cos their definitions are missing and even they have they keep using the same phraseS in ALL the abovementioned, rearranging them into one detailed topic at a time (note that there are many topic in one WHOLE PROPER CHAPTER)

it was then i started thinking: ok, so i type out everything, many in advance before the teacher teaches but how do i add the teacher's notes in? i was thinking of saving paper by buying a LG phone that looks like a Palm Pilot and save all my notes as Word into the phone (my handphone's dying anyway) but there may be a backlight problem - my Nokia doesn't allows its backlight to shine forever and it's so irritating whenever it goes off abruptly while reading a document!

Then i thought of taking pictures of my notes in class and insert them as a picture file into Word and re-arrange them among the whole-typed-out-everything-Word-document. But it really is time-consuming.

It took me from last Thursday til now - the wee hours of Wednesday - to type out the whole thing..i panicked - dun tell me i've to do this EVERYTIME?!

it was then something dawned onto me - an improvisation of what i've done. There are 3 things to a chapter: the textbook, my own notes and what teacher says in class (class notes)

i'd written cross-references ie pg what, number what (n i number the bullet points IN PEN cos pencil marks easily fade off as months go by and when i revise i wouldn't know what is where) at the end of each topic before typing each topic out

i can dun type each topic cos it's time-consuming, useless repetition and wasting paper n ink if i print the whole thing out! Instead, i'll just keep to writing cross-references at each topic, fully utilising my textbook

as for my own notes, can't help it but to type out then print them out and they are further cross-references which i will add beside the already cross-referenced-everything-topics-in-the-textbook. Compared to the type-and-print-my-notes-plus-textbook's i've saved lotsa paper - and trees!

class notes i'll still be writing n drawing diagrams if needed but i'm not going to retype! i leave them as they are and cross-reference them in my textbook and - like pages to a book - use sticky tape to tape beside the pages of my own notes

by doing so i'll save minimum 3 days of ample time to read the next chapter and repeat the same process instead of torturing myself to type all - just one chapter without studying for it! - almost one %^%# week!!!!


but for now, well, i'm way backlog due to the almost-one-week-of-typing-everything..will make up for the loss as much as i can when i wake up

i'm no genius like Fuji or intellectual like Tezuka - i've always thought i have a simple brain but it surprises me at the rate it moves at this age of mine

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