where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

Megane's Choutsugai

>> Saturday, March 28, 2009

before i go on..there are more of today's entries below this one

NOW the review

oh sweet...oh sweet oh sweet..I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! they have new talk tracks and the song "Megane kazoe uta" IS ACTUALLY COUNTING SPECTACLES INSTEAD OF COUNTING SHEEP - i think it's a pun on the Counting Sheep tracks which the voice actor of 'Tezuka' joined in. BUT REALLY YOU CAN'T SLEEP COUNTING SPECTACLES WITH THREE CRACKERS GOING ALONG WITH A CUTE CLASSICAL PIECE.

But baby, believe me when i say - OSHITARI YOU SMEXY CRAFTY BABY YOU SHOULD BE IN THE COUNTING SHEEP CD cos in the "Megane kazoe uta" he DOES ULTRA-SMEXY in some numbers (fyi he counts to 100 specs while Inui and Tezuka provided the backing vocals "Megane, Megane")

AND INUI GOES CRACK-PUNK ROCK, naming famous people who wears spectacles...yes, he mentioned Mr Ghandi, he DID

every talk track cracks me up...i can't understand all the lines of all the tracks but a few lines i understand i try to translate.

the 2nd talk track a little..Tezuka keeps saying 'Ho' when Inui keeps coming up with

(loosely translated)
Inui: Look at this carefully!
(game sound-effect)
Oshitari: i see nothing
Inui: See nothing? Sure you see nothing, isn't it? You really see nothing right? (Because) It's a you-cannot-see-tennis-racquet!
Tezuka: Ho


Inui: then how about this one!

(game sound-effect again)

Oshitari: i see nothing

Inui: (somewhere along the line of) See nothing? HAHAHA! Sure you see nothing, isn't it? HAHAHAHA! You really see nothing right? (Because) It's a you-cannot-see-tennis-BALL!

Tezuka: Ho

and Oshitari gets irritated more n more cos Tezuka only said one word "Ho".

Oshitari: Isn't there any thing more to say?!
Tezuka: Ho

then Inui forgot to explain earlier: in fact that's not Tezuka

Oshitari: HA?!

Turns out that Inui MADE A TEZUKA ROBOT!!!! (ATOBE-SAMA YOU READING THIS?!!! PWN!!!!!!!!!!!!) and he calls it - man, it's a tongue-twister!!! - Tezukaroboichigokun (Tezuka robot no.1-kun, "kun" is an address like "san" but more of student to student and other "kun" address explanations that can be found on the internet) and that Tezukaroboichigokun got Inui specs

i can't stop laughing...3rd talk track i can't understand much but Tezuka asked Oshitari how is his remake of Megane wo Hazusu Yoru (which Oshitari was the original singer) and Oshitari said it was good and TEZUKA WENT HIGH-PITCHED THRILLED

Inui: HOUSE!

Tezuka: (PANTS DOG-HAPPILY!!!! - in your mind his tail IS wagging)
(it's actually a continuation of how crack Tezuka was when he went rowf-ing at the Sayonara Megane's talk track)

this time it's Tezuka n Inui who went crack - it's so hilarious when both had a childish exchange of words like "second!" "first" "..return!" and when Oshitari GOT their attention both got the fright of their lives (you can think that they were looking fearfully at Oshitari), saying, "L-LEADERRRR!!!" and Oshitari kinda protested (but in actual fact it's a pun on the Oshitari's seiyuu who kinda started the whole Megane's idea)

and both Tezuka n Inui went more crack when Oshitari mentioned that it IS the END of Megane's: no "next" studio recording, no "next" concert. Oshitari thanked them both for their hard work. Oh my goodness i almost cried when Tezuka weepingly said, "Yudan sezu ni ikouuuuu"

BUT in Track 4 both Tezuka n Inui came up with fantastic "We are Megane Senshin (Japanese super heroes like Mask Rider 555)!" and attacks like "Megane PUNCH!" "BEAM!" "MEGANE WIND!" "MEGANE EYE!" "MEGANE MISSILE!" Oshitari was...well..literally left out..cos..in the first talk track he himself declared (with a smirk i would think, konoyaro!), "My specs ARE fake (he wears cosmetic specs)

what about the Mayonnaise? Megane's + ... get this..SANADA!!! OF ALL PEOPLE!!! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!! SANADA GOES CRACK!!!! INSISTING HIMSELF CALLING THE WHOLE UNIT "MAYONNAISE"!!! XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness!!!! He does it at the bonus track "Manatsu no Mayonnaise". When the Megane's sang "Manatsu no Megane's (Megane's Summer)" he chimed in "MANATSU NO *MAIYONESU (*phonetic) (Mayonnaise's Summer)!!!!" and all the ad-libs - if i can understand Japanese XD!!!! and yep - that famous "YEEEEEES!!!!" in that track XD

all the nostalgic singles (no non-vocal tracks in the album) the Megane's are there with the abovementioned new ones and one called "Memory" of which the first line cheekily asked if you've remembered three of them..and something about their silhouettes..?!

Sanada - urusai! ;p

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