where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

more ramblings..

>> Thursday, March 26, 2009

i had been drawing very small comical facial expressions of Abel, Tess and...suddenly Oshitari (later explain) which i had to pay attention to hair parting.

so i was drying my hair n my hair suddenly automatically parted - i was like "Tezuka's parting? Tezuka part which side...left...right?"

i looked closer at the mirror

"Or is this Oshitari's..?"

i gave up - i was out of time

"AAAARGH, whatever." But i looked good today. Thank goodness my hair's short n dyed - or else i'll look so sick beyond recognition.

then i looked at my handphone to see Tezuka's image cos the file which has him doesn't really protray which side his hair parted

[further checks Oshitari's - as i'd expected - is on the other side. How can 2 prominent Meganes have the same side parting? (giggle)]

k so now the drawing

it all started when i was hugely stressed studying and i had already wanted to try my style of manga drawing a long time ago. i'd always hated the front cover of my textbook.

one night after school an idea came to my mind - draw over, glue my drawing over the picture of the textbook

so it was one fateful day when i almost wanted to bang my textbook in frustration - that i'd decided to rebel against the "must always study" thing and - drew

and i'm proud of it

i named it Maximilian Tribute, inspired by Maximilian Jenius of Macross - i LUUUUURVE him, he's the only Macross character i like

then i decided to brave my fears of "dare not to write Japanese characters"

it was not easy, trying to write by hand, trying to write exactly where the eye could see with my drawn character...lotsa blanko has been used just to write 4 words "mada mada" - wanted to write "mada mada da ne" but had no reference to my character so i decided on just "mada mada (not yet not yet, meaning not perfect yet = i still have lots to work on for manga drawing)"

from then on while studying i cracked myself by drawing comic protrayals of Abel Nightroad of him with just specs n mouth as in the manga and Tess protrayed as a traditional simple robot head, also in the manga for relevant texts interpretation of my textbooks.

it was only that i'd added Oshitari cos i found it's relevant for the concept of the word "research" as Oshitari likes Science (not surprisingly if he skills at Anatomy..) and i saw one pic of him in a school science lab.

and to follow the manga tradition - Japanese. And the long standing translated - Chinese. Using English-Japanese, roumaji and Chinese-English dictionaries i wrote all words by hand. i tried to avoid English as much as i can but only when i lack the translation skills into Japanese n Chinese then i use English

AND AND AND!!! DID I MENTION I DREW comic protrayals of TIERIA - TWICE?!!!! this time with the hair XD i dun have his dark purple hair colour pen so i settled for violet...

but really i can't help laughing about my protrayals of teasing Abel...poor thing..even Oshitari joined in the fun! it's really hilarious - i mean - for me lah, not sure how the rest would react

but really i realised i need all the time i have to really study - n crack a few comic depictions - it's so much better than smoking to relieve stress

goodness...almost wanted to buy one pack but i stopped myself - really hard - then suddenly a smoker walked past me with a cigarette..and i didn't realised - or maybe i've forgotten how much it stinks (no offense to smokers, sorry, really). That really put me off n i'm glad i stick to my "no, i'm not buying!"

well...yeah...will bathe now..then eat n study at the same time. Fever? Do i care..i need all the time in the world for my studies, as long as i'm not that dead-sick that i can't lift my textbook my priority to study still stays

and yessss..when i showed my Maximilian drawing on my textbook to my classmate n he asked me who is it, i said he wouldn't know this character cos the anime's very old - Macross. Looking at his i-duno-reaction..for once i could quote aibo's somewhere along the line of, "If you know him, you'll know him."

*baring fangs in mischevious triumph*


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