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my very first Korean drama DVD!!!!

>> Thursday, December 3, 2009

with English subtitles too! whether it's well-subtitled or not (i think not cos LP says it's usually directly translated from Mandarin) i haven't watched it yet but doesn't matter, as long as i get the gist of it. i don't understand Korean too, it'll be nice if i do X3

The drama's about two young doctors: one's carefree the other's serious. They are under a superior who's strict and not borthered about hype and does what he does best as a surgeon but colleagues of his level and above are jealous of him. Slowly the story unfolds for each three of them and how they help one another in times of trouble. Can't wait to open and watch it - in its original language and English subtitles :3

another Korean drama with English subtitle i'd like to own is Coffee Prince. It tells the story of a girl who disguises herself as a boy to work in this coffeehouse and her interactions with the people around her. According to reviews the lead actress did a great job in the drama. I didn't get to watch it, only managed a few glimpses when it was broadcasted :3

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