>> Thursday, July 1, 2010
there should be a feature on what is senile dementia and the (devastating) mental and emotional effects it does on family members/caretakers and how to help patient and family members/caretakers mentally and emotionally go through this terminal illness
and by the way..Singaporens must be educated on psycological, emotional and moral well-being, not just stress management.
Not to mention nowadays are so rude - they bump onto u without saying sorry, don't say "thank you" - just 'cut path' - even dun give way to senior citizens who depend on their walking-stick, some just say "excuse me" with a black face - at least say "thank you" after that!
i was appalled at the fact that kids asked me, "What's Hari Raya Puasa?" "What's Vesak Day?" i'm not familiar with school subjects now but hey, we are a multi-racial society - can't kids be taught about one another's religion - and moral, emotional and psychological well-being starting from pre-school?
not only the kids, teens and even adults need edcuation on good general physcological and emotional well-being.
and so many of us lack courteousy, local and foreign. My country is getting noiser and noiser - eg is there no way to ask foreigners to lower their voices when talking on handphones? Must we be the bad guys who say, "You're not the only one with a handphone here."
and customer service...we can be the in the top ranking cities to live in, but customer service still is very bad. C'mon, take a walk in the neighbourhood stores n see how bad it is. Even huge shopping centres in every single part of Singapore - including fast food, eateries, retail shops - is desperately in need of a total customer service training revamp!
buses are still in need of a design revamp...not housewife/kids/partial-handicapped friendly. See housewives bring their own mini-bag-trolleys to shopping/market. The steps of the buses are so high - how do u expect them to lift their heavy bag-trolleys to the first step of the bus? And there's a design that has a very high end with a slope - have the designers ever taken the bus before? Try taking it when it's crowded in a road of narrow twists and turns and try a sudden brake - you will be charged for molestation even if it's accidental. And the designers expect kids and partial-handicapped having the ability go up to the high end of the bus. Flat levels aren't totally flat as the other bus designs have boasted. Compromise for the sake of people - think extreme, eg can my grandfather really take a poorly-designed bus - not on design and budget..
still the talk of "standards of living has increased but not our pay"...
please listen n do something about the above...really appreciated