where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start


>> Tuesday, October 12, 2010

lucky i not working..i just looked at my homework and realised i have to write a mini-composition, one for each of the 2 lessons of homework. If i'm working, confirm i can't finish. See, the problem is translation: in my brain it's English, on paper it must be Japanese. Not only composition, completing sentences as well

It may seemed that the curriculum planner thinks it's so easy to just whack two mini-compositions to be done within a week without realising how taxing it can be on the students who work and study at the same time cos after work, one will be so dead tired. The planner has no welfare understanding causing the working-student not to bother about the heavy homework after a long day thus no handing in of work which results in one week of lesson revision gone for nothing

However if so then what about part-time working university students? They have far much heavier work to do - i assume they need to do lotsa research and write thesis, regardless if it's in a language that they're familiar  with. For them it's a "do or die" thing - u wanna get ur degree, u must do it


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