where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

back but..

>> Friday, October 3, 2008

i've forgotten when my pc was taken away for servicing...now i'm using my mom's..sigh..

being a being to someone, sometimes and always an extra line cuts u off..i find myself treading on a thin line, perhaps i'm ultra-sensitive, as i've been told n i know..

it's hard to grow up, really. One part of me dat says: do adult. But it doesn't really work for me. Somehow i'm just happy the way i am. "Somehow" is because i feel the pressure from the society of "what must one be". i understand there are do's and dun's which there is an absolute truth of rights and wrongs which i respect n follow

i'm just happy to be in my shell for now cos i'm hurt

n there's too much demand for everything out of me that i'm finding hard to say yes to, i know it's for my own good but...i dun wan..

y can't i have wat i want? everybody has wat they wan, y can't i?

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