where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

stand for what is right

>> Sunday, January 18, 2009

i got scolded for standing what is right

i overheard a tele-conversation which my mom said, "Ya la, best no operation."

What gives anyone the right to make that decision except between the doctor and patient? But since in vegetable state the patient is medically unfit to make any decision. The doctor doesn't say operation out of whims and fancy

"Positive thinking." Was what i got

that means no operation, not even death

So let the patient suffer? Thanks to "no complicated medical 'pipes', let patient breathe without (when the patient's suffering from lung cancer), we depend on religion" that the vegetable patient got worse and religion's given a bad reputation!

i got scolded when i challenged, on religious grounds, against my mom and the family member's "positive thinking"

for years i've struggled with death, attending the funerals of whom i love so much, whom i've been crying and still cry for - i think the worst thing that anyone faces is accepting death

Every week death is right in front of my eyes, i pass by a traquil place of sealed-up urns almost every week, reading the name of the deceased - of one i cannot hold my tears back anywhere - i'm dam f--ing challenged not only to see but to ACCEPT the one death i couldn't which has crippled my life

it's hard to trust in something you can't see - Peace. It's really hard to trust in it.

But once i do it. That one death became easier to accept. I took that very first step. And slowly i could let go, still crying but feeling better once i've accepted it.

But my mom has not, she's deluded herself somewhat. I cannot blame her. No i don't

For me, in the patient's case, i've learnt not to even think about the patient, once i've told myself to accept "let nature take its course for that patient"

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