where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start


>> Monday, May 25, 2009

i admire how pple can do blogskins and upload them..

there's been more flurry of activities after my previous posts, more for Pap's new blogskin (suge - he rocks, never stops his computer engineer thingy even after responding the Call)

and LP's fan fic which i always sigh thinking about...chotto..LP, somehow my last night's "yearning" may come true (ne ne: hint - WS cosplay-street-event)!

and...ah, let's leave it as it is..to quote Dai Gor, "Not fair."

anyway i am still over the moon about my low voice in the aimo excerpt, mo hitotori no boku approved it too..wow..

go my hair cut - and it looks like Ritsu-sensei's hairstyle..KYAAAAAA!!!! like i told LP: but i dun have his physique...KOUMEEEEEEEIII!!!! (working on it!)

and i've just sent Nat the her bunny greetings that i owe her a looooong time..yeeah!

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