where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start


>> Sunday, November 8, 2009

2nd wave over...final one's next year but have to start on the final one soon. i really am BLUR about it. really needs lotsa practice ya cos it's hands-on!!!

something new on the right..well, i'm advertising for my friend who's into a new business. Yes, it's LEGAL. Purliiis if i don't know the person myself n if the person's not trustworthy would i put even want to sacrifice the no-business nature of my blog for a business advertisement?! "use ur blain!!!!"

anyway so happy that i'll get to enjoy much soon...AFA...!! awrigh!! but i can only make it on Sunday. AW MAN!!! K N LP CP!!!!!!!! much long awaited X3 oh...my Rubik's Cube..can't wait to have it back..my life is in it X3 K so cool, he figured that my Rubik's Cube's only about colours, nothing to do with the numbers on it..suge..

i want to thank everyone who keeps me in their thoughts as i "kill" myself thru' the 2nd exam period. i did the best i could. in the state that i was in, i dun mind getting a pass now. if i fail so be it :( but really it isn't easy being sick n studying. Even my classmates who were taking the exam were sick, and those who are from other schools too - the silence of the classroom was filled with occasional coughs and sniffles. Even my classmate whom i had lunch with couldn't eat without excusing about the spolit tap of her nose! So many took leave, mcs - to rest as cos they're sick!

the paper was unexpected. the thing i read - only one came out. the rest i just tried my luck. in fact i panicked that i spent one question of 5 marks to give more than 10 points! kicked myself when i realised i spent the time wrongly. i think bcos of that i blanked at the final question, did as much as i could remember

i guess i will only congratulate myself until i get the results which i will only know next year, perhaps maybe before Chinese New Year ba..

til then i'll be yudan sezu ni ikou-ing on the third and final subject when i'm done resting for maybe two weeks..

opened my new scanner/printer too. wow. 10 years ago who would have thought a scanner-printer integration? aha. Maybe with a new scanner i can scan my PoT cards n use them as my handphone wallpaper?!! if i have the time lah

looking at my desk which looks like a recycled dumping area...i guess i'll "attack" that tomorrow ba X3

oh i love procrastinations for now XD

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