where am i going?
i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

let's be upfront about this (2): health

>> Friday, January 16, 2009

i made a mistake. For 2 weeks i thought i could live without antibodicts. Just took cough and phelgm medicine. The 3rd week - this week - my cough became asthmatic cough and i vomitted many times.

Finally got my antibodicts but i'm too late for mild medication - the antibodicts didn't work.

Wanted to ask my semi-retired doctor for house visit - as he has already closed his clinic and does house visits - but i dun like the idea of house visits and furthermore i've to pay extra $5 for his transport fee while he goes from one country to another for leisure? And i may die waiting for him if i'd realised i'd pay overseas sms charge if he's in another country - i need another doctor.

i think somehow it's worth the 3 weeks wait as my mom told me about her company doctor - she's been doc-hopping too. And it seemed that the doctor's very experienced. Since we both have the same coughing problems i took her medication - and hell broke loose the next day. My body was wrecked with even more coughing fits as it forces me to spit out the phelgm - the medication worked!

Yesterday i went to see her company doctor. Vomitted first consumption of the medication - wasted. This morning my fever went up at about 3am. My mom affectionally massaged my head - (it's good to whine to your mom when she just finished brushing her teeth and washing her face XD), saying, "But of course, you haven't been sleeping for three days and three nights (coughing)" Actually i haven't been sleeping for 3 weeks. I soaked a towel with ice and water and laid it on my head - felt better after that. Even more - finally my mom was well enough to cook - and i finally got to eat my mom's cooking.

i'm a little better now, sweating in this hot weather - which means my temperature has lowered a little. i hope my health would make it in time for SOY.

after this horrendous ordeal i don't think i'll ever wanna play with my health again.

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