online again, happily
>> Thursday, August 20, 2009
not that i cannot be online at work, but i have to be discreet, haha, not much online stuffs i can do at work
so yes, i got a job, with nice colleagues, each has a distinct personality and unique interests X3 one of them even took up Japanese! suge..
as for me n Japanese...i'll have to wait for a longlong time..
on the fun side, i got to hang out at the Toys, Games and Comics Convention at Suntec last weekend n met sen no ke tachi for a while! And i had fun with Nat n Wen, if not for Nat's consistent "let's-play!" i'd forgotten wat's Wii XD i also had my fun on the 18 n above games..n i told Wen "Now i know why u like guns!!" Nat was suge, she somersaulted and spun her character around with her Japanese swords - one in each hand! - forming a x before slicing and splattering zombies all over - aw man! how cool is that?! n Wen choose was until my turn that i realised WHY i would prefer the guns too..the thrill of feeling the berserk vibration of the Wii controller as i spun the character's view at 360 degress in in a machine-gun-shooting-frenzy - wat?! i had to reload my choice of weapon?! nande ya ne! XD !!! but even the reload-feeling - man, i know now why people dig shooting arcade games. But after that i had a little bout of very minor fits - BUT OVERALL - SUGE...
n i even had the chance to try out voice dubbing in a young-male-anime-voice in English! thanks to Animax. And thanks to the two Animax ladies who got me to try it out, the people who did every single thing for the participants, from introducing the characters, giving me a role, to the camera n sound crew - THANK YOU!!! i always said i'd be happy if i land myself in Prince of Tennis, even for English dubbing, even for a cameo line or two (was actually hoping Fuji - wah, dreaming siah). But as days went by i'd realised i'm willing to come to terms that to experience what voice acting is like has come true, even for that one minute plus. See, main conditions fulfilled: was in a language which i come to know fairly well unlike Japanese; a few sentences; did tried an almost-Fuji (young anime male)-like voice; it was from an anime series!
Paps was supposed to join but his scheduleS kept him busy. Even dinner with him was difficult. But being in ministries, especially in Priesthood, is usually last minute. I told myself: if Paps is serving for the Glory of God why borther? last time i would unaware-ly join the "grumbling crowd" (eg the generic "hey, can't u see i'm having a meal with a Priest!"). Well for me now i'd just whine very little cos *g* i do miss Paps and after so long and (many schedules after) i got to eat wif him but there's CHOCOLATE to pacify me *G* It's not just any chocolate, it's CHOCOLATE FROM EUROPE - given by Paps!!! i'm just a happy kid with my pacifier X3
k, my mug's empty of water. The weather has been really hot these days n i'm still adjusting to work n sleep - off for now X3