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i don't know
All i know is that i've to start

back to the boybands

>> Monday, October 12, 2009

radio stations played Boyzone songs as Boyzone fans grieve over the sudden shocking death of Stephen Gately which brought me back to the good ol' days of boy groups which the media calls them boybands - hardly u would call them a "band" cos they dun play instruments like the bands do but it's just to level them up for glamour's sake

but for Backstreet Boys i would make an exception - why i wouldn't know. Perhaps they're street guys - more "rough" and their songs are harder, not so poppy and elevator-style. And they hip-hop to their songs which they also pen themselves. What's even better - they're still popular after so many years - very tough for a - to some would call - song n dance group. Some even would think of "song and dance troupe" - oh please (do u mind?!)

Hip-hop streetwear hasn't really changed much for the past then years: u've got the hooded jackets, heavy chains and the 'blingbling'. That may explain why Backstreet Boys are still around - their fashion, their R&B music

how come i talk about Backstreet Boys?! cos of Rocky Racoon! SHE WAS AT THEIR CONCERT!!! ah..nostalgia..


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